Thought Pause Page

A few days ago, I was hiking with my son.  As we walked along the riverbank, he asked me how many voices I could hear in the water.  At first, only one sound was clear, but I listened closer.  Swirling water gurgled in a whirlpool upstream.   Closer to the bank, ripples of water lapped around tree roots that jutted out into the water.  I then became aware of the swishing sound of water flowing over rocks mid-river.  The gentle sound of rhythmic waves splashing against the bank held my focus for several seconds before I became aware of a swooshing sound as the current picked up speed, headed for a distant waterfall.   In just moments, I heard five distinct sounds.  Another awareness was my disappointment for not giving this moment the attention it deserved.  I realized that I almost missed a moment I will now cherish the rest of my life.

I encourage you to become consciously aware of the dance of life unfolding around you.  By tuning in to everyday moments, it is like wearing 3D glasses.  I’m betting you will discover treasure hiding in plain sight!    Raising awareness does not have to be as intense as my connection with the river.  It can be as simple as noting any moment in time and space and becoming consciously aware of how you experience it.  Have you ever smelled the alluring scent of honeysuckle floating on the breeze through an open window or wood smoke stirring excitement around a bonfire in the fall?  Have you seen deep wisdom in the eyes of the elderly or noticed how particles of dust dance in sunlight shining in a window?  Have you ever turned your attention to the different textures, tastes, and temperatures while chewing your food?  These experiences are worth the effort!  Complete your experience by turning inward to ponder your own thoughts and feelings during these moments.  

 Close your eyes.  Then, as you open them, describe the first thing you see.  What feelings/thoughts come up for you in this observation?    What did you hear?  What feelings/thoughts come up for you in these sounds?

Observe the ballet of life happening around you.  It might be a child sharing the last of his ice cream cone with his friend.  Perhaps it’s the wrinkled old woman making her way onto the bus, her bag heavy with fresh flowers and a few groceries.  Maybe it is how the wind ripples the water or how the flame dances atop your candle.  These snapshots of life hold unique beauty and are so easily missed. 

Give yourself the gift of noticing moments in time as they unfold.  Become aware of your thoughts and feelings.  Speak them out loud.  Pass along your gift to others around you, as my son did to me.